We went for the night with Amy and grabbed a mooring buoy on the north side of the spit as there were south winds forecast. We dinghied to shore and hiked out to the end of the spit which points directly at rugged Frost Island. The gap between the end of the sand spit and Frost Island is maybe 50 feet. A tight fit at low tide for sure.
This old cabin is a recreation of a homestead cabin used by the first white folks in this area. The spit is great for walks, kayaking, and all sorts of playing.
While out on the very point, we looked up at the steep cliffs of Frost Island and I saw a bald eagle being bothered by crows and a turkey vulture. The eagle was eating and the others were hoping for scraps. Nearby to this was a lonely deer on the steep slope.
We had to motor there, but coming home was a nice sail. We were able to beam reach right along Shaw and into Friday Harbor. Great stuff. I have to add this photo of a beautiful two master that was right beside Aeolus. What a beauty. A great thing about sailing in the San Juans is that there are lots of visiting boats, many of them quite beautiful.
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