We are a family of four who lives on the Salish Sea (Puget Sound, Straits of Georgia, Straits of Juan de Fuca and associated waterways) and who sails frequently aboard our beloved Gulf 32 Aeolus. She was built in 1988 and we are her third owners. The first two used her sparingly, and so we have made up for that by using her heavily and year round! She has been the primay recipient of my energies for many years now and is in many ways an organizing principle of our family life.
This blog began as I myself sought tutorials and information online for various projects when I first got her and still had a lot to learn about boat maintenance. I had trouble finding what I needed and decided to photo-document my own experiences and compile them here. Turns out, I was not alone in needing this information and I have received many wonderful messages from people all over the world who have found information in this blog useful to their own boat projects. Hard to believe this little blog has been of much interest to people other than my friends and family, but evidently it has, and that is a great thing indeed.
Boys on Tumbo, ready for another adventure. 2014 |
Portland Island beach, or better known as paradise. 2014 |
Ready for dessert? 2014. |
So the blog goes on. It contains trip information for all our many adventures, and for anyone wishing to know more about various islands in the Salish Sea there are not many places we haven't visited and described in some way here. I am always happy to provide more detailed information on any of these islands, places or repairs. Just comment on a post and I'll respond.
Fair winds and great adventures to all my fellow sailors!
On the summit of Jedidiah Island, BC in 2012 |