Sunday, April 14, 2024

Jones by any other name is Home

 A sunny forecast and no excuses needed to scurry up to Aeolus and make our escape. Got an early boat Saturday and made it to Jones against a strong ebb in San Juan Channel and light NW breezes. Once in the south cove (a rarity because winds of any size are usually south around there, except for Fraser River winds in winter) we grabbed a ball and the joy began. 

We circumnavigated the island and walking seemed too fast. It was so perfect. It felt like we were on ecstasy, and it was only nature induced. Every single thing so perfect. The fresh blades of green grass, the sprouts on the salal. Every rock. I mean it, it was painful to move as fast as walking. 

It's 4 miles or so around the whole island. Fascinating to those who are science minded as we are that the habitats change so dramatically based on the sun exposure. There are native cactus on the West side! 

Rowing the dinghy is such great exercise and zen. Fading light. Shadows and depths in the water. 

Lazy morning hike around again, sitting in the sun, contemplating questions that have no reply. 

Left Jones and caught the NW winds and were able to sail all the way back to the entrance to FH. Even got to wing on wing for a while. Only did 2.5 to 3.5 knots, and some of that was just the ebb current, but we were moving in the direction we needed to go nevertheless. 

Another perfect weekend aboard Aeolus. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Winter quiet at Stuart Island

 Took the long weekend and enjoyed a lovely quiet weekend in Reid Harbor with our exchange student. Had the place to ourselves, as is typical in winter. The journey along Spieden never disappoints and was once again bursting with marine and avian life. Bald eagles and sea lions abound. Someday, someone will own Spieden island that will allow at least the sterilization of all those horrible non-native sheep and deer that denude the island and prevent any new growth of the oaks. In the meantime, they die and feed the vultures and eagles. 

On Stuart we went out to the lighthouse and up onto our favorite hilltop. Eagles, mouflon sheep (which again should be removed, sterilized) and happy pacific tree frogs. 

Calm conditions. Grey and drizzle. Another young person now in awe of the beauty of the islands. 

On the way

One of my favorite places on the planet