Sunday, November 28, 2021

Stuart...How we love you.

A winter trip to Stuart is just a perfect part of our lives. We love the journey there, along Spieden, and are so cozy in either Prevost or Reid. No one is there. We have the place to ourselves. In summer it routinely has 100 boats in Reid alone, and on this trip like all between November and February, you will have it to yourself. Forecast was for deluges of rain and wind, and it doesn't matter. Any well found boat can make it there as there is little fetch from the SE where the storms come from. 

Voyaging north toward Spieden and Stuart

We went on Friday with our boys and a friend and came back Sunday, and in between had all manner of lovely adventures. We went up to our favorite mountain top, and walked out to the Lighthouse. It rained, yes, but winter Stuart has its own charms. Out at the Lighthouse we were not surprised to find a couple bald eagles hanging out. The waters off Turn Point are a cornucopia of food for all manner of critters. 

At Turn Point on the deck of the old home. 

Though the forecast was consistently 25-30, it never seemed to get above 10 anytime on the whole trip. Coming home down San Juan can be choppy in a true SE 20-30, but today there was hardly a wisp of wind despite that forecast. The heavy rain made the sky match the sea in color. Everything a grey. 

Aeolus was warm and cozy for the gang. Food was delicious. Games were played. Books were read. Conversations had. Just a fantastic and therapeutic get away for all.