Went out with the boys this weekend and first visited Stuart, going to the Prevost side to make for a quicker trip to Sucia the next day. All was easy and normal and stunning and breathtaking on the way there. Once there, we went out to the lighthouse. Before even reaching the lighthouse, Elliott exclaimed "Orcas!!!". We ran down, and what we witnessed next was the most incredible display I've ever seen in the Salish Sea in all my years.
For over an hour, a pod of Biggs Orcas were keeping two and then six big male sea lions hemmed in close to shore. The Orcas were busily spyhopping, tail slapping, calling out in both a squeek and a groan, rolling over one another, and generally doing everything their bodies are capable of doing, while tracking the sea lions and not letting them escape. This went on forever, as we sat right above them watching the whole drama play out beneath us.
There are no words...and this is but the smallest, poorest little video of the experience: